Monday, April 13, 2009

Oh, really? I see your threat and raise you DEATH!

Um, wow...they don't get it.
Somali pirates were quick to vow revenge over the shooting of their comrades, as well as a French military assault to rescue a yacht on Friday.

"The French and the Americans will regret starting this killing. We do not kill, but take only ransom. We shall do something to anyone we see as French or American from now," Hussein, a pirate, told Reuters by satellite phone.
I like that bit, "We do not kill, but take only ransom," as if extortion is a perfectly sensible activity, like shopping for groceries, or meeting your friends for a drink, or holding down a job that doesn't involve piracy. Hussein, what needs to happen is for you and your pirate buddies to regret not taking up knitting, and I'm positively gleeful at the prospect of the Navy delivering more. Ah, lovely schadenfreude...

By the way, anyone heard from the "shores of Tripoli" lately?

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