Thursday, April 16, 2009

Alcohol Vapor - A Fucking Dangerous Way To Get High

ginbchen_450x300.jpg This couldn't really be more dangerous. Vaporized alcohol in unmetered dosages. A really boneheaded way to die.

Put On Your Plastic Suit It’s Time To Get Vapor Drunk
A new bar in London let’s you catch a buzz just from breathing the air. The Alcoholic Architecture bar blasts a mist of gin and tonic into the bar that can get you feeling tipsy in 40 minutes flat. Patrons of the bar are advised to wear plastic suits to prevent them from smelling like a distillery giant fucking pine tree when they leave
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1 ramblings:

Spike Spiegel said...

That's textbook "doing it wrong." Wanting to sprint to the finish line of drunk is like reveling in being a premature ejaculator. Why not take your time and enjoy the trip? For drinking, this means your drinks get tastier and the women get prettier as you go.

Plus, the whole possibility of death thing with the displacement of the oxygen in your lungs by dangerously flammable, vaporous alcohol.

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