Friday, April 16, 2010

Bakesale Betty's Two-fer?

Yes, it's true! The Mine had back-to-back supply runs for Bakesale Betty's.

To reiterate, the chicken sammich is two big breasts on a roll. Image unrelated.

Giada de Laurentiis and her delicious cleavage were found on a purposeful search of the intergoogles.

Speaking of keyboard tricks...

...I could use these.

Found on Funtasticus.

Breakfast Granola for 4/16/10

I know plenty about Macs, all the way down to some obscure tricks and keyboard shortcuts, but some of them are rarely used and need to be refreshed with visits to the Help menu or Google searches. However, this trick from Lifehacker is one I hadn't heard, yet something I'd so commonly use that I'm surprised it's not better documented:
Fine tune volume in OS X by holding down Alt(Option)+Shift then pressing the volume adjuster buttons. Also if you hit the volume down button till it shows the mute sign then hit the mute key it will play very quietly.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The first Saint of Simmslam?

No, it's not Big Daddy Kane, but FMD Nevub claims to have a third miracle in the works, so I figured it was about time to start filing the paperwork and figuring out trappings and trinkets. Chief among them will be some kind of badge, likely in the form of a multifinger trunk ring.

Later, there may come an 80s Lincoln Continental with chandelier headlights.

Speaking of distractions...

I wish I had Jordan Carver waiting on my desk for me this morning. Nope, I got work instead. Dammit.

Found on Hollywood Tuna.

Breakfast Granola for 4/15/10

Damn Tax Day! Meanwhile, it's easy to get distracted when it's cold...but distracted isn't always so bad.

Found on Funtasticus.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Improv from Jim and Frank camera test for Muppet Movie

I hate cilantro for a reason

The NY Times tells me something I already knew:
What is it about cilantro that makes it so unpleasant for people in cultures that don’t much use it?

Some people may be genetically predisposed to dislike cilantro, according to often-cited studies by Charles J. Wysocki of the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia. But cilantrophobe genetics remain little known and aren’t under systematic investigation. Meanwhile, history, chemistry and neurology have been adding some valuable pieces to the puzzle.


Modern cilantrophobes tend to describe the offending flavor as soapy rather than buggy. I don’t hate cilantro, but it does sometimes remind me of hand lotion. Each of these associations turns out to make good chemical sense.

Flavor chemists have found that cilantro aroma is created by a half-dozen or so substances, and most of these are modified fragments of fat molecules called aldehydes. The same or similar aldehydes are also found in soaps and lotions and the bug family of insects.

Soaps are made by fragmenting fat molecules with strongly alkaline lye or its equivalent, and aldehydes are a byproduct of this process, as they are when oxygen in the air attacks the fats and oils in cosmetics. And many bugs make strong-smelling, aldehyde-rich body fluids to attract or repel other creatures.

The published studies of cilantro aroma describe individual aldehydes as having both cilantrolike and soapy qualities. Several flavor chemists told me in e-mail messages that they smell a soapy note in the whole herb as well, but still find its aroma fresh and pleasant.
Found on the newstubes.

Breakfast Granola for 4/14/10

ONOZ! Cover your poopers, it's Ben Roethlisberger!

Shoop by yours truly.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Basic black

I don't like licorice. Image unrelated.

Marie-Claude Bourbonnais was found on Hollywood Tuna.

Breakfast Granola for 4/13/10

And now for something completely different: art, this time by Ryan Kinnaird. I was first acquainted with his work on the covers of Playstation Magazine, and a few comic covers. Apparently, he also does character designs for Sodapop Miniatures.

Stumbled upon Fiametta via Deviantart.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Somebody write that screenplay!

La Colombiana sounds like more like a nom de guerre -- in the literal sense, like some drug kingpin or jungle warlord -- than a Maxim Hometown Hottie, but here she is.

Found on F-listed.

To add to a damp Monday...

Kim Kardashian, at least slightly moist.

Found on F-listed.

Breakfast Granola for 4/12/10

Some folks like seafood for breakfast; not me. But as Olivia Munn would tell you, "Sea lion vs. Octopus = FUCKING NATURE!"

Found on io9.