Friday, October 9, 2009

Cold weather's coming

Time for longsleeves, heaters, and Christy Ortiz to keep us warm.

Found on F-listed; look for her dragon tattoo.

Speaking of prizes...

Original Failtrain found with more WTF on Funtasticus.

Another perspective on Nobel

By Olivia Munn:
Umm… Tehy’re giving out Nobel Peace Prizes based on aspirations?!!!

ATTENTION Nobel Peace Prize Peeps: I, Olivia Munn, would like to hereby and this forth day thus announce my very serious goals and aspirations. I would like to submit that my goals are just as great, if not better than Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize-worthy aspiratons:

- I aspire to make a hoverboard.

- I aspire to give a bag of Ramen noodles to everyone in Darfur.

- I have a goal to aspire to one day do something great enough to get a Nobel Peace Prize.

….. Cool! So…. uh, let me know!
Reason #4080 why I love that woman.

Breakfast Granola for 10/9/9

What does an "honor" mean if they're basically handed out like Halloween candy? Milli Vanilli won a Grammy in 1990, and the general consensus is that music has been at least as great ever since.

I argue that the Nobel Peace Prize likewise hasn't meant anything since at least 1994, when Yasser Arafat was a co-recipient, and definitely not since 2002, when Jimmy Carter got one. Two of history's biggest enablers and facilitators of not-peace...but they get prizes for peace?

Now, it's Barack Obama's turn, complete with the laughable citation "for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples."

That's quite a stretch, Nobel Committee. Even Jimm-uh had to be out of office for over 20 years, but I guess none shall question "Dear Leader."

P.S.: Too bad none of those "peoples" are in Congress.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Well, THAT doesn't sound safe to eat!

FMD Crankmonkey brings this culinary WTF to our attention:
There was a hotly contested cakewalk, a patriotic parade and a beauty pageant featuring girls of nine different age divisions at last weekend's annual celebration of turpentine in Portal, Ga. -- all the festival was missing was the substance celebrated.

"We weren't able to find any tar," explains Jerry Lanigan, vice president of the Portal Heritage Society.

Without pine tar, festival organizers can't make turpentine in the town's still, which until this year was the nation's only continuously operating turpentine cooker. And without turpentine, there's no rosin, which is the fancy name for the vapors that rise from heated tar. And without rosin, there aren't any rosin potatoes, a staunchly vernacular folk dish that was developed in the 1930s by workers at Portal's turpentine plant.

"Everybody loves them," Lanigan says of the potatoes, which bake in a pool of melted rosin. "We have people who try them and say 'I don't know why I haven't tried them before.' It's one of the old arts."
Speculation abounds here in The Mine as to how this happened. My personal theory...

CLETUS: Hey, Jethro! Catch mah tater!


POTATO: *thud*

ROSIN: *squish*

CLETUS: Gulldurnit, Jethro! Twas mah last tater!

JETHRO: It jes landed-ed in deh pinetar leavins. Tis still eat-able.

CLETUS: ....

JETHRO: See? *bites into first rosin potato* Now that's right tast-eh!

CLETUS: Gimme mah tater! *has second bite of first rosin potato* No foolin', tis snackin'!

And thus began the decline of The South due to lung and central nervous system damage, renal failure, and severe burns.

Fictional "Cletus & Jethro's Rosin Taters" ad Shooped by yours truly.

The only interesting thing about the Houston Texans is...

...their cheerleaders.

Found via Funtasticus on Busted Coverage.

Australian crackers

Wow. Watch some of the top, then 2:30 through at least 2:52...

Harry Connick, Jr. is a white kid of some privilege from New Orelans (his parents were judges, and they owned a record store), but heavily dipped in Crescent City music culture; i.e.: black folks, plus jazz and blues and funk and gospel. In NOLA, there used to be segregated Mardi Gras parades -- not only by race, but also by gender -- until he helped found the Krewe of Orpheus, which has no such limitations. He's also been active in local charity, predating (but especially for) Hurricane Katrina; his home neighborhood of Lakeview was near the broken 17th Street Levee and particularly hard hit.

So, it's no surprise to me that Harry's reacting the way he is; skip to 5:50 for some of his commentary and differences between American and Australian humor. I'd have thought that Australia's own problems with its indigenous population would have put the brakes on things like this.

Found via Media Take Out.

Breakfast Granola for 10/8/9

Nothing quite like some Gemma Atkinson to start the day. Two cups, that's all I ask.

Found on Funtasticus, who apparently just learned something I've known since at least 2002: Loaded -- and its female subject matter -- is awesome.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Bungee FAIL

Wait for it: 0:36...

Total damage: collapsed lungs, ruptured spleen, and a torn liver. Punchline: the foolio wants to go skydiving next. With his luck, he'll get a hiking backpack full of wineglasses and snowglobes instead of a parachute.

Don't stop 'til you get enough

moar funny pictures

Yay, lunch!

September Carrino, always a tasty treat.

Found on Hollywood Tuna.

Rinse out your eyes

Selfshot Babe will save us!

Found with other Humpday Hotties on Funtasticus.

They callin' me

That could be you, Jeff. Just look at his deeply personal sense of pride. You're sleepin' on them cheeks, blood.

Found on Funtasticus.

Breakfast Granola for 10/7/9

Coco Austin's ass boots us into Hump Day. Hey, we gotta live on something down here in The Mine.

Found via Hollywood Tuna on Heyman Hustle.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

We leave you in the past...

I miss you, Jailbait Lindsay Lohan
moar funny pictures

Identification FAIL

"The rope has really taken a beating!" I'm thinking that's not all that took a beating...

Wendy Williams says, "How you doin'?"

epic fail pictures
see more Epic Fails

Question of the day

A: No, but I understand.

Found with more WTF on Funtasticus.

The Only NFL Review You Need for Week 4

The Niners won and the Raiders didn't. Week 4 was good times.

This week's Chicken Dinner goes to the Niners' Patrick Willis for having a career day and being integral to lumping the Rams. This week's Goat goes to Daryn Colledge who was the open gate the Vikes' Jared Allen passed through enroute to Aaron Rodgers all Monday night, and being highly integral to the Packers' loss.

Breakfast Granola for 10/6/9

Even though it's Tuesday, we can still have a Munn day.

Olivia Munn was found on Holy Taco.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Today's advice

Don't get caught with your pants down.

Emely Villalobos was found on F-listed.

Today's language trivia

Whether you're agape in relief at emptying your bladder or shaking like a dog trying to pass a golfball, the "toire" (or "toilet" in Japanese) is where you want to be.

For directions: "Toire wa doko ni arimasu ka?"

For "company": "Issho ni toire de ikkou yo."

Found with other interesting images on Funtasticus.

Poor, angry fat guy

Holy Taco says it best: Hell Hath No Fury Like a Fat Man Without Chicken...

EMBED-Fat Guy Screams for McDonald's Chicken - Watch more free videos

Speaking of weekends...

How was yours?

Found on Funtasticus.

Breakfast Granola for 10/5/9

The NFL is interested in what I'm interested in: healthy breasts. *thumbs up* Thanks, NFL!