Friday, December 10, 2010

Worse than Cthulhu Claus?

Breakfast Granola for 12/10/10

FMD Crankmonkey unearths the arcane and unexpected Cthulhu Claus. If I didn't know any better, the boy resembles H.P. Lovecraft.

And what DO you ask Cthulhu Claus for? Maybe not to be devoured as he rides around on the ruins of ancient R'lyeh?

Found on dominus.tumbler.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Because we're not getting enough bacon

From Uncrate:
It's not quite the Bacon of the Month Club, but it's getting there. Savenor's Bacon Society ($10 and up) lets you hand-pick what months and what meats you'll get — including peppered, neuskies, canadian, duck, and applewood bacon, smoked wild boar, and smoked pork chops — delivered straight to your door from Boston's legendary meat shop.

Poor manatee

Who knew they had such squishy heads? Failblog, that's who.

epic fail photos - Manatee Glass FAIL gif
see more funny videos

Breakfast Granola for 12/9/10

Daft Punk has a video for their first single of the Tron Legacy soundtrack, "Derezzed." From io9:

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

One in the head, I'm fed

Lovely though the thought is, I have misgivings about this image from Funtasticus; I suspect Photoshoopery.

Offhand, I cite:
  • near leg looks thinner than far leg,
  • high sharpness between thighs and edge of far thigh,
  • ditto sharpness on waist, plus pinched distortion (kubire, or "inward dip" in Japanese),
  • middle seam of jeans looks pushed up and right,
  • inside of far asscheek doesn't look like it curves/tucks like the near cheek,
  • near pocket tapering while the far one seems straighter,
  • and the groove of her spine moves in/left, then out/right above her waistband.
Next time, I recommend duplicating and airbrushing back in more original elements to cut down on distortion effects.

Breakfast Granola for 12/8/10

We've been around the Nürburgring with Sabine Schmitz, but that was with a guy in the dummy seat. This time, it's a girl-girl ride with Juliet McGuire around Zwartkops in a BMW M3 Frozen Edition. From Jalopnik:

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


The Fifteenth Decree of Simmslam

Religions contain all manner of precepts and rules on rites and other behaviors. Marriage was briefly touched upon, so now it's time for death and burials:
This is how we will dispose of the dead in The Nation of Simmslam. It is the greatest thing ever.

Breakfast Granola for 12/7/10

There are 27 images of Brittany Szemerei, and this appears to be as close as she gets to smiling. So beautiful a woman should not look so unhappy. Perhaps she'd do well in The Mine?

Found on F-listed.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Kids, do NOT try this at home!

Caption Contest: Club Edition

Girl in white behind couch: "Would it be OK if I grab their -- ?"

Girl in pink bustier: "NOOOO! Me first!"

Found on Funtasticus.

Breakfast Granola for 12/6/10

It's a very ugly, rainy Monday outside. Inside, it's Medianoche and very, very burlesque.