Friday, April 2, 2010

Top down

Not to be left out of site facelifts, Funtasticus just got a new look also.

And now for some shiny, shiny cleavage...

Breakfast Granola for 4/2/10

Familiarize yourself with the layout of this cockpit, for you gaze upon the interior of a Nazi flying saucer. You never know when the Krauts will let their guard down enough for us to capture one...

This Iron Sky concept art was found on io9.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The truth in website design

FMD Crankmonkey unearths...

The Sixth & Seventh Decrees of Simmslam

I wear a size 32 pants. Don't question!

Also, thou shalt read my mind when in when I'm outdoors or in social situations.

Speaking of pliable jelly...

...image related.

The sideboob of Yoko Matsugane was found with other sexy Asian models on Funtasticus.

Breakfast Granola for 4/1/10

I remember America Olivo's brief but memorable role in House MD; she was a genuine massage therapist sent to visit House, but he thought she was a "massage therapist," especially after she orders in a cute and mild accent, "Take off jour cloze."

As he's disparaging her credentials and intent, she grabs his hand with one of hers and seems to pinch/rub it in a Vulcan fashion that turns him into a pliable jelly.

No fooling, she is one sexy beast and I wouldn't need her to tell me twice to get naked for her.

Found on Screen Junkies.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Sorry Camaro, you turtle now!


Chartreuse is a color between green and yellow. Image related for color of lingerie.

Kelly Brook was found on F-listed.

8 Bit + Floyd - planetarium

Must Have Sound:

Breakfast Granola for 3/31/10

An interesting take on a modern classic...

Found on Boing Boing; also of note in that article is the Saul Bass version.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Long gone

Maranne McLaughlin and her incredibly long legs were found on F-listed.

Breakfast Granola for 3/30/10

Jeff, is that you? Sure sounds like you...

Found with 24 other episodes of "Rage Guy" on Holy Taco.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Time's up

Day 8 is the last for 24:
It arrives near the end of every season of “24.” Call it the moment: the unmarked but discernible instant at which you know you can relax.


That moment hasn’t yet arrived this season, the show’s eighth... When it does, it will be the last one; Fox has confirmed that the series has been canceled, and its final episodes will be shown on May 24.
Prediction: Jack Bauer wraps his career on an up-note, sailing off into retirement with Renee Walker, and into some semblance of happiness with his daughter and granddaughter.

Breakfast Granola for 3/29/10

CAUTION: Do not attempt this at home! Try it at work instead.

Of course, while all the balisong flipping is going on, you could open any other type of folder once (or draw a fixed blade), chop off the flipping hand, then vent some throat with a well-placed poke. Effective and flashy, believe it or not, don't generally correlate.