Thursday, April 16, 2009

Death by Alcohol....Up The Butt

This 2qt (about 1.89 liters) open-topped enema...Image via Wikipedia

Here's a follow up to my last post about the bar using alcohol vapor. In short, ingesting alcohol by any means other than drinking makes gauging dosage nearly impossible.

2007 Darwin Award WINNER: The Enema Within
Michael was an alcoholic. And not an ordinary alcoholic, but an alcoholic who liked to take his liquor, well, rectally. His wife said he was "addicted to enemas" and often used alcohol in this manner. The result was the same: inebriation.
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1 ramblings:

Spike Spiegel said...

Exactly as dumb, but for a different reason: at least you could taste and smell the booze in the gas chamber scenario.

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