Friday, March 20, 2009

Don't be fooled

Zimbabwe 'in talks with West on sanctions'
While Western powers would prefer that Mugabe step down, they have indicated they can help the country recover as long as a democratic government is in place.
Pardon my Hawaiian, but FUCK THAT! Mugabe turned a perfectly good and productive Zimbabwe into a hellhole. From Wikipedia (so take with a grain of salt):
Despite majority [black] rule and the existence of a "willing-buyer-willing-seller" land reform programme since the 1980s, ZANU (PF) [Mugabe's political party] claimed that whites made up less than 1% of the population but held 70% of the country's commercially viable arable land (though these figures are disputed by many outside the Government of Zimbabwe). Mugabe began to redistribute land to blacks in 2000 with a compulsory land redistribution.

The chaotic implementation of the land reform led to a sharp decline in agricultural exports, traditionally the country's leading export producing sector...As a result, Zimbabwe is experiencing a severe hard-currency shortage, which has led to hyperinflation and chronic shortages in imported fuel and consumer goods. In 2002, Zimbabwe was suspended from the Commonwealth of Nations on charges of human rights abuses during the land redistribution...


Zimbabwe's current economic and food crisis, described by some observers as the country's worst humanitarian crisis since independence, has been attributed in varying degrees, to a drought affecting the entire region, the HIV/AIDS epidemic, and the government's price controls and land reforms.
So, Zimbabwe gets famine, epidemic, genocide, and racial strife, all because of one madman's dream of a socialist utopia. Sounds like any assistance plan needs to include that he (and his ilk) leave and never return. But watch, we'll kick in for fear of a "worse humanitarian crisis" when the fastest and best solution would be swift and terrible violence.

Where's that deathray when you need it!?

1 ramblings:

CrankMonkey said...

Word. Pretty much all the former colonies have managed to royally fuck themselves. Ya gotta luv tribalism and graft. It makes any gubment super efficient.

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