Masked Superheroes Patrol Cincinnati Streets | Threat Level
Evildoers beware! A team of self-styled crime-fighters called the “Allegiance of Heroes” has taken to patrolling the mean streets of Cincinnati, righting wrongs and defending the defenseless. The superheroes — who carry handcuffs, pepperspray and stun guns, but no batarangs — are part of a global network of masked avengers who organize and team-up through the online World Superhero Registry.
2 ramblings:
we should put Fat Spiderman in the registry
Noble though their sentiments may be, Cinci is a gritty gang town. Anyone for a pool on time to firearm altercation leading to masked crimefighter casualty?
I'm also at least slightly irked by all the Rorschach/Shadow/Spirit/Question wannabes...and surprised by a corresponding lack of Punisher/Vigilante wannabes.
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