Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Jeff could have been living his dream from birth

Olivia Munn is bound to have this at some point, but here goes...

'Fattest mother' feeds babies on McDonald's fast food
Leanne Salt said that she feeds her babies McDonald's burgers because she is "too busy" to cook for them properly.


Mrs Salt, who weighs 29 stone herself [ed: my math puts that at 406 pounds!], insists that her triplets – Deanna, Daisy and Finlee – are healthy even though they consume nearly double their recommended daily calories.

"My babies were six months old when they had their first McDonald's," she told Closer magazine.

"Sometimes I'll cook them a microwave lasagne. Babies are always hungry – sometimes it's easier to give them food that's already prepared."

The 24-year-old added: "I let the triplets eat fries off my plate as I think it's best they try all kinds of food to see what they like.

"I don't want them to think they have to watch what they eat. I'll tell them big is beautiful."
Nothing wrong with big, but GOD FUCKIN' DAMN there's supposed to be a limit for everything. I'll call it child abuse just because McDonald's burgers are about the flavor and texture of cork coasters.

1 ramblings:

CrankMonkey said...

I'm all for the government keeping out of our business, but this shit is fucked up. We should either make it illegal or permanently opt all of them from any government paid health care....no emergency room for you!

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