Friday, March 27, 2009

Breakfast Granola for 3/27/9

Found on Jalopnik: N2A Stinger Mates Retro Style To Modern Corvette Chassis.

My Ford leanings aside, I approve this message. As the owner of an S197 Mustang, I revel in that my car is a more accurate representation of musclecar styling than the 2010 Chevy Camaro...which is also heavily pilfered from GM's branch in Australia, Holden...who sent the Monaro here and called it the last version of the Pontiac GTO...which, while a good car on paper, not only didn't look like a GTO, but was also about as reliable as the last version of the Camaro (i.e.: not very). And I must say, the only vehicles the Corvette engines ever worked in was the Corvette and the Impala SS, which amuses me greatly, but I digress...

This N2A Stinger, however, is a beautiful re-creation of the split-window C2 Corvettes. My only objection is the SS scoop in the nose, but overall, that's a trifle.

Instead of wasting their time trying to out-do Ford with the lardy Camaro, The General probably would've been better served with this instead. But then again, they call a FWD V6 an Impala, so what do I know?

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