Monday, April 6, 2009

Vocab Builder: Sci-fi to Sci-fact

I knew about the origins of "robot;" it's from a Slavic word for "work." But most of the terms seem so ubiquitous as to have been officially coined by scientists or other users of the technology. To me, this should resound as especially true for "zero-G" and "pressure suit," which I'd have guessed would've been specific jargon from pilots, astronauts, or physicists; similarly, I'd have figured programmers would've invented "virus" and "worm" based on the behavior of such computing code. Nope, sci-fi got to it first.

Found on Oxford University Press via Boing Boing.

1 ramblings:

CrankMonkey said...

I remember reading Rossum's Universal Robots in high school. Good stuff.

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