Friday, April 10, 2009

Seven Six Funniest Black Men Of All Time

Coed Magazine has a list, and while I'm impressed at the inclusion of Redd Foxx, I'm erstwhile annoyed at the omission of Bernie Mac. If it had to be seven, and seven only, I say drop Chris Rock or Dave Chappelle. Both were funny, but not funnier.

Rock: incisive and insightful, but lacking enough substance for any long-lasting or substantial mainstream headway (which is something ALL of the others on the list can claim).

Chappelle: interesting soul and a fairly quick wit, I'm sure being basically a one-trick pony ("I'm Rick James, bitch!") grated on him after a time, and he never seemed to steer clear of it in such a way that it would grant him (and his show) longevity. Plus, going crazy, escaping to Africa, and basically shunning the limelight means he rather removed himself from the list.

My personal Top 3, in order: Richard Pryor, Redd Foxx, and Bernie Mac.

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