Friday, May 15, 2009

Paranoid much?

Victim and suspect in March 3 shooting knew each other, but...
When [decedent Rhonda] White pulled alongside [suspect Aaron Kalip Myers], he didn't recognize the car she had bought a few weeks earlier. Myers honestly believed he was about to be shot, and so he fired first, [Myers' attorney David] Headley said.
WTF, black folks? We got to do better.

Related: Ironic Granola Of The Day

Polka dot? Don't mind if I do!

Can't get enough of that Denise Milani stuff.

Caution: Denise is SFW, but some of the ads on Fox HQ are not.

Your eyes have been hacked

The "Laughing Man" (or "Warai Otoko") was developed by Terratag in concert with the makers of Ghost In The Shell, Production I.G.. Read up on its design history and development, it's interesting stuff.

Today's trivia: "Laughing Man Blue" is Pantone 296

By the pricking of my thumbs...

One of the first anime titles I actually paid money for was Bubblegum Crisis. It's a little Charlie's Angels, a little Terminator, and a lot Blade Runner, with music heavily influenced by Streets Of Fire. I tolerated the "Crash" sequel and loathed the "2040" remake, but there's going to be a live-action movie? Aw, hell naw!
And a very special movie it is. It will take the cult series from animation to live action, Japanese to English, and combine the financial resources of six nations: Japan, the UK, Australia, Singapore, Canada and China. The $30 million adventure will be shot in Australia, with a release date in 2012.
My teenage years just curled up and died. Fuck you very much, unnamed Southeast Asian film cartel!

This tragedy was revealed on io9.

Because all kids love "Tang"

Ah, Denise Milani. Haven't seen her in a while. Drink it in, kids. That's what every Friday should taste like.

This ore was unearthed by FMD Crankmonkey on Dirty Rotten Whore (NSFW).

Let's see it in Mk2 Midnight Blue

I've always been a fan of the 1960s Shelby Cobras...but then I saw the Daytona, of which there are many replicas.

Well, according to Uncrate, Exotic Autos of Costa Mesa is in the mix. Not keen on their site, and that car could use a Gurney bubble.

Jeff, pick up that gauntlet

Seriously Jeff, you talk all kinds of crazy about your "mad skills" but Masanobu Sato is winning titles with his...
Not familiar with Mr. Sato? Well, you should be. This guy just won the 9th annual Masturbate-A-Thon. Yes, that really exists. And yes, Masanobu lasted a full 9 hours and 58 minutes.

Nine hours and fifty eight minutes! Of masturbating. Sato set the world record last year -a paltry 9 hours and 33 minutes- but beat it (pun intended) this year with a little extra training. For real. Apparently he worked long and hard (tee hee) to build up his endurance. Whoever said “no pain, no gain” was obviously not training for this sort of event.
There you have it. Jeff, fulfill your destiny.

Image from Tenga (questionably NSFW), who seem to sponsor Sato-san.

Breakfast Granola for 5/15/9

Nuts for breakfast? Say it isn't so!

It is when it's Danielle Lloyd.

British pinup babe Danielle Lloyd was located via Use My Computer on On 205th.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Who you gonna call?

Giving new meaning to the observation "You sound kinda 'deedeedee'" is this incident from that "City of Pride & Purpose," Richmond, CA...
A man suspected of being involved in the killing of a 21-year-old man in Richmond was arrested after he called 911 for help with a knee that he hurt while running from the crime scene, police said Tuesday.


Police arrested Alfonso Lua, 19, after he called 911 for help with his knee injury, French said. He was found hiding in a carport near the corner of California Avenue and Rumrill Boulevard in San Pablo, police said.

Space Nazis are clever

Casting appears to be completed for Iron Sky, and so there's some new promo material to accompany this. Behold Julia Dietze, who will be "Renate Richter" in it. I've no idea who she is -- her curriculum vitae looks all Deutsche -- but she seems easy on the eyes.

I don't see any rank on her, but I think I'd like it to be reichsmarschall or rittmeister just to have three Rs in a row.

Classic movies = teh awesum

funny pictures
moar funny pictures

One to grow on

funny pictures
moar funny pictures

Jeff, if I ever hear you say this...

As overheard by Olivia Munn...
Walking into the grocery store, near the fresh fruit area and there are two 20-something guys near the strawberries. One guy turns to his friend and says,

“Yeah, dude. I think my farts smell good. You don’t ever think your farts smell good?”
No response from friend.
“Dude- sometimes I fart just so I can smell them. I try to figure out what food it is by the way it smells…. You don’t do that?!”
No, it's just you, you're fucking gross, and you fail at life.

Breakfast Granola for 5/14/9

Some Penny Mathis to start this strange Thursday...

This bit of American engineering was located on F-listed.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Clusterbombs for planting

seedbomb illustrationI just found this post on TreeHugger about a Seedbombs. Pretty much they are clusterbombs made for planting over wide and remote areas.

Seedbomb Instills Fear And Plants Trees : TreeHugger
The seeds are housed inside capsules made of artificial soil: they provide nourishment and moisture to the seed. As the sapling matures, the capsule degrades leaving only the new plant.
Nice concept it could be used for so many things...
  • weed
  • mushrooms
  • alien transforming
  • preparing the way for Cthulhu

Then again the first two of the list might be the undercover steps to items three or four.

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Stay off my lawn, Billy!

Al Davis hates black athletes from Notre Dame. Why do I know this? Tim Brown says so.
Meeting Al [Davis] was pretty unique. I found out five or ten minutes after my first practice there that he hated African-American athletes from Notre Dame. And they literally told me that.
C'mon now, Tim! Al Davis doesn't hate black athletes from Notre Dame. He hates the black athletes from Cal, LSU, and Marshall, too.

Breakfast Granola for 5/13/9

Don't you just hate when this happens?
An office worker cleaning a fridge full of rotten food created a smell so noxious that it sent seven co-workers to the hospital and made many others ill. Firefighters had to evacuate the AT&T building in downtown San Jose on Tuesday, after the flagrant fumes prompted someone to call 911. A hazmat team was called in.

What they found was an unplugged refrigerator that had been crammed with moldy food.

Authorities said an enterprising office worker had decided to clean it out, placing the food in a conference room while using two cleaning chemicals to scrub down the mess. The mixture of old lunches and disinfectant caused 28 people to need treatment for vomiting and nausea.

Authorities said the worker who cleaned the fridge didn't need treatment — she can't smell because of allergies.
Lucky her. If she comes down to The Mine, I'll supply her with an ice hammer...and some Euthanal for the dog.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Where in the world...?

Coco Austin, the very plastic wife of Ice T, seems to have her very own magazine, devoted to her favorite subject: Coco Austin.

The only other reason I'm posting this is because I happen to know that the location depicted in the background is Binion's Horseshoe, on Fremont Street in Las Vegas. K thx bah!

Scenic Nevada was found on Hollywood Tuna.

Jell-O: Fun when you know how

I always had a taste for Jell-O. Now, make it wiggle...

This culinary debauchery was found on Coed Mag.

Breakfast Granola for 5/12/9

Jeff, the woman for you has arrived: Stella Vidal has a Master's in mental health counseling. Quit sleepin' on those cheeks, blood.

This public service announcement was located on F-listed.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Worst. Firefighter. EVAR!

This FAIL was found on Failblog.

I have something in common with Olivia Munn!

Found on Olivia's blog.

Science Corner: Parasitic Wasps

Not just like any other parasitic wasp, this one recodes the DNA of the host.

Observations of a Nerd: This Week's Sci-Fi Worthy Parasite: Cotesia glomerata
The larvae, which eat the catterpillar from the inside out, target the organs in such an order that the catterpillar lives as long as possible. Once they've had their fill, they exit the catterpillar and pupate, forming their cocoons so they transform into adult wasps. But the poor little catterpillar's job isn't over yet. Before it dies, it spins a web of silk to protect the little babies that just ate its internal organs, and acts like a bodyguard, vehemently defending the metamorphosizing wasps until they emerge.
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Nobody loves you, either

Audi drivers occupy rather the same mental space as BMW drivers in my head. Once again, another day, another jackass.

As this was at a (Canadian) Costco, several rows of shopping carts and dollies would've been employed for burial duty. I wonder which are heavier, and how many it would take to fully cover an R8...

It's no "Dick In A Box" but...

Photoshop Tomphoolery

Just messing around with Layers and Gaussian Blur for some experimental tiltshift fun. Click on the image for full size.

Breakfast Granola for 5/11/9

Today's tract from (the Black Books version of) The Little Book Of Calm: Good food can lift barriers to calm. Try eating more Bahara Golestani and cornbread with honey butter. You are in the Back Forty Texas Barbecue of calm.

Phoenix, AZ desert denizen Bahara Golestani was found on Coed Magazine.