Friday, April 15, 2011

Snitch strategy

Wandered upon on the intergoogles, and very germane to today: "How to Find and Stop the Workplace Snitch"
One of the first lessons that most people learn in grade school is: "Nobody likes a tattletale." But some people never get this idea through their heads, and eventually, these pint-sized snitches grow up and join the work force, where they make colleagues' and managers' lives difficult.

Trust is a key component of any successful company or team, and it only takes one problem employee to kill the atmosphere. This will naturally lead to decreased productivity over time. Snitching is also bad for employee morale and camaraderie; who wants to be friendly with people that might stab you in the back? Besides creating an overall dysfunctional workplace, tattletales can also lead to increased employee turnover, costing a business the time and money it takes to recruit new hires.

That said, there is a big difference between being petty and what is commonly known as whistle-blowing — exposing a person or company for illegal, dangerous or unethical behaviors and practices. Employees should be encouraged to inform their managers or the HR departments of serious conduct breaches, such as sexual harassment, embezzlement or threats of violence. And if this results in no action, employees should take their complaints to the relevant state regulatory department.


1. Whose job responsibilities have been marginalized: Employees whose job responsibilities have been gradually taken away from them may be in danger of an eventual layoff. The natural reaction to this is anger and indignation, which may cause some people to lash out at their fellow employees. Workers who feel insecure in their positions may resort to snitching as a way to cast themselves in a more favorable light with management and thus avoid losing their jobs.


4. Who is regularly seen sucking up to management: Bootlickers are nearly as reviled in offices as tattletales, so it makes sense that these two personality flaws tend to go hand in hand. Such employees may use any face they get with upper management or executives to point out other employees' wrongdoings, once again to cast themselves in a more favorable light (and to make sure that the higher-ups are aware of the snitchs' vigilance and staunch adherence to company policies).


For Managers:

1. Never reward a snitch. Rewarding a snitch with a promotion or work on a big project only encourages him or her to continue this destructive behavior. The employee will naturally connect the reward with the tattling and will begin to bombard you with tales of the latest employee indiscretions.


Remember: A work force or team built on trust will be happier, more productive and more effective. So don't let one person ruin the dynamic for everyone.

Because Jeff enjoys the classics

epic fail photos - Book Category FAILSo, the categories to refine "Erotica" are "Books", "NOOK Books", and "Kids". Yup, that's perfectly normal.

Nothing to see here. Move along.

Found on Failblog.

Breakfast Granola for 4/15/11

Yet another downside of the current NFL lockout: people like this will wander the streets without stadiums or sports bars to go to this fall.


Found on Holy Taco.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

So, I have this heat ray I call a "LASER"...

Time to use FRICKIN LASERS on some Somali pirates, via KATU:
A ship-based laser tested by the Navy's research arm could put the heat on Somali pirates.

The Navy for the first time last week successfully tested a solid-state high-energy laser from a ship. The beam, which was aimed at a boat moving through turbulent Pacific Ocean waters, set the target's engine on fire.

The Office of Naval Research says the laser traveled over "miles, not yards."


"You can use the laser to ward off an attack, or you can dial it down to a non-lethal level where it basically becomes a very bright light so they know they are being targeted," Michael Deitchman, the director of air warfare and weapons at the Office of Naval Research, said Wednesday.
Countdown to crispy critters: 3... 2...

Breakfast Granola for 4/14/11

This new figure caught my eye and I figured I'd share: Laura Amelia.

Thanks, F-listed!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

My Dick: An essay in contrasts

Mined by FMD Crankmonkey, this song could do with some refreshed lyrics. Example: "My dick makes you a believer. Your dick, more like Justin Bieber."

Escalation of force

Jazmine Sullivan is fixing to get some bitch killed with her song, "Bust Your Windows." From Jalopnik:

Let's count the FAIL in this, shall we?

1) It happens in Detroit, which is bad enough on its own, but…
2) The cops leave, which for most humans is akin to being left unattended on a safari.
3) She's a Steelers fan. From Detroit. She might as well be Ben Roethlisberger himself. There will be RAPE.
4) And the Cadillac has a vinyl top. Sorrow & FAIL.

Breakfast Granola for 04/13/2011

Why get over the hump(s) in Humpday? Don't fight the feeling.

From Coco's Twitter.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Split that with you?

wtf girl photo - How is that Comfortable?Hawtness asks, "How is that comfortable?"

A: I don't care. That's London Andrews.

Breakfast Granola for 4/12/11

You gotta see this. NOW.

Monday, April 11, 2011

How-to: Write every Walking Dead plot

io9 with a VERY accurate depiction of how Walking Dead happens.

Found via io9 on The Gutters.

Breakfast Granola for 4/11/11

Kate Upton gots a Twitter? Why was I not informed?

Best comment:
" Boobs are the best accessory in orange county"- peggy.. I shuld probably go to the oc mine were free hahahah