Some wisdom for you to chew on with your breakfast granola, courtesy of
Adam Baldwin:
How can Leftists, etc. that defend the right to symbolically burn the American Flag logically object to the symbolic burning of any book?
Every incident of American flag burning inevitably makes its way to the news as an emblem for "Islamic street" sentiment. Yet we have no known incidents of violent retaliation against Muslims for this, least of all any outcry. I think that we think it's normal and ordinary for them.
But even the merest, perceived slight against the least of Islamic pieties has overwhelming outrage, threats, and real violence as standard replies. This Terry Jones character
threatens to burn a Koran. Reaction from the "Islamic street": "We'll kill Americans for this!" Wackjob
Mohammedans wanting to kill Americans on Koran desecration days doesn't seem all that different from them wanting to kill Americans on non-desecration days. Seriously, that's quite a religion of peace you cats have there.
Observation: the War Against Terrorism must be the first in all of human history where one side was in abject fear of offending the other. I personally find crash landing planes into buildings, suicide bombings, repression of women, and prohibition of art, recreational beverages, and pork products to be offensive enough to kill over.