Friday, November 19, 2010

We leave you this Friday on...

...Lindsey Rose, who -- while from New Jersey -- doesn't look entirely eligible for Jersey Shore; she actually looks pretty, and not like an Oompa Loompa hooker.

Found on F-listed.

Breakfast Granola for 11/19/10

I still have no idea what Sophie Turner does for a living besides show up to places and get her superior posterior photographed.

Most days are easier not knowing, and this Friday will not disappoint.

Found on Hollywood Tuna.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Got lost?

I'm not one to get lost easily, especially with a map in my hand. Give me a pair of cross-streets or an identifiable landmark and we're off. But get me into The City -- with the way Market cuts across the Numbers, and Montgomery turns everything into triangles north of Washington, not to mention the one-ways -- and I'll look like a tourist as my navigation catches up to the reality of that maze.

Here's a little trinket from Uncrate that bridges the gap between full-blown GPS and Boy Scout compass:
Find your car in even the largest mall parking lot, or find your way back to the ribs in even the smokiest tailgating situation with the Bushnell BackTrack Point 5 ($68). Like the original BackTrack, this sleeker model navigates you back to any location with just the push of a button. This new model also adds a digital compass, the current time, temperature, and altitude, plus the ability to mark and store up to five locations.
Protip: If you're at the Transamerica Pyramid, Chinatown is to the west, Montgomery St. BART is to the south.

Breakfast Granola for 11/18/10

It's the eyes this time that keeps the rest from mattering. See, if I hadn't just told you this was Nicola Achilleas, you might have assumed her Greek for South Asian, Persian, or maybe Latin American. You're welcome, by the way.

This fresh ore was located on F-listed.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Reason #4080 to hate Halloween

Freaks come out at night, right? And you'll be hard put to find harder freaks than in Oakland, especially at a Denny's. Via F-listed, and I dispute the "sexy" characterization of their post. Seriously, get a good look at those costumed hoes, if you dare!

Breakfast Granola for 11/17/10

Nicole "Coco" Austin -- aka: Ms. Ice T -- with these words of encouragement:
Here's a little eye candy to get ya through your work day. Hope it helps!
More than you know, my dear.

Found on her Twitter.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

High tensile strength

Seriously, the fabric of those pants have to be, for they appear to be very tenuously stretched.

And she's pretty. Win-win FTW!

Found on Funtasticus.

Breakfast Granola for 11/16/10

Reason #4080 why the Toyota Prius sucks: the unintended acceleration REALLY kicks in while intoxicated. This dumdum turns a single crash into 3, one of which is into a police cruiser. From Jalopnik:

Monday, November 15, 2010

Monocle smile!

I've never been a fan of Old Spice, but the Isaiah Mustafa commercials were funny as hell. But what if there was a female version? Page 3 of the Sun -- found on Hawtness -- takes a poke at it with the help of Rosie Jones...

Breakfast Granola for 11/15/10

I'm not sure what Jordan Carver was trying to achieve in this photoshooot -- Pocahontas? 1920s flapper outdoors? -- but she is damp and busty. Monday has to start somewhere.

Found on Hollywood Tuna.