Friday, March 13, 2009

Call of Duty with Nazi Zombies

World War II, Nazis, Zombies....all we need now is strippers and beer.

Call of Duty: World at War Xbox 360 Trailer - Nazi Zombie Trailer

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Afternoon Granola for 3/13/9

Submitted for your approval, the palate-cleansing Evan Rachel Wood.

Found on Use My Computer.

Where the fun(ny) never stops

Former Richmond aide admits to bilking city - San Jose Mercury News

Once upon a mayoral campaign, I distinctly remember then-candidate -- later Mayor -- Gayle McLaughlin (pictured, somewhere on the campaign trail in 2006) remarking on how things would change in city hall if she were elected...

[Parin] Shah was an aide to Mayor Gayle McLaughlin before he was fired in 2008.

Nope, looks the same from here. Gotta love that "Pride & Purpose"...

It's Re Appeared - MorningGlory

A while back, we couldn't find it. But it's resurfaced. Behold the comedy gold.

Morning Glory Comics

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Lunchtime Granola for 3/13/9

Chugworth Academy

I don't follow the webcomic closely -- and Dave Cheung seems to have shifted gears to his Boss Noodle project -- but I became aware of it via Deviantart, and he has other interesting stuff there as well.

Help control the pet population...

...pass the blue Kool-aid.

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. – Ten children at a day care center drank windshield wiper fluid after a staffer served it from a container mistaken for Kool-Aid and placed in a refrigerator, authorities said Friday.

Um, wow. You're not just dumb, you're ARKANSAS DUMB!

Hooray! Zombie Stripper Comics

A web comic with zombies and strippers. What else do you need on a Friday. It's Tasty Flesh.


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A Friday distraction

always a good time waster.

From Hotties in The Wild

I thought tea was supposed to be relaxing.

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My Favourite Game

NKorea schedules rocket launch between April 4-8: Yonhap

The fun part is that North Korea filed a flight advisory with the International Civil Aviation Organization, which you can see here. It even includes a map identifying "danger areas." Although the advisory doesn't specify what's so dangerous about the "danger areas," a test of rocketry could mean a few things: 1) they're places where booster stages might be falling, 2) "ditch" areas in case there's an accident and they need to drop it somewhere, and/or 3) along the same lines, "target" areas where they intend the rocket to come down.

Keeping in mind that the launch site -- Musudan-ri -- is located by the top-left corner of "F" in "FIR PYONGANG ZKKP" -- is there anything we can discern by looking at these images?

Closeup of "Danger Area 1"

Wideview, with both "Danger Areas."

It's bad enough that North Korea is shooting this rocket over Japan -- just north of the Kanto area, the most heavily populated -- but if you draw a line on those zones, you're headed for...

Pearl Harbor

Dear Leader, THIS is why you're so "ronery."

Breakfast Granola for 3/13/9

Save a horse. Ride a cowgirl. Twice.

This jugtacular breakfast granola is brought to you by Denise Milani and Jaime Hammer, and was found through Intarweb wandering on Horny Oyster.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Dawn of The Dead Meets Nickelodeon

I just like this image. It's pretty creepy at first. But it captures the whole kids adventure novel cover thing really well. Props to the artist Jason Chan.

He's got a lot of other cool images on his site. Check it out.


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A life unfulfilled is...


If Jeff's arms were this short, I'm pretty sure he'd use that cleaver to behead himself for lack of being able to, err..."behead himself."

Hilarity found at random on the sidebar of Cracked.

Lunchtime Granola for 3/12/9

Carin Ashley, a tasty midday snack.

Found on F-listed.

Is it stop motion animation or real?

Mardi Gras from Keith Loutit on Vimeo.

A nice posting from Neatorama featuring a weird photography technique that makes real images look like stop motion.

Photographer Keith Loutit has mastered the art of tilt-shift photography– that is, a technique requiring a special camera lens to impart the illusion that what you’re looking at are miniatures, not life-sized human beings. When he locks the camera down and shoots hundreds of successive pics, it becomes a movie. He recently took his camera down to Sydney’s Mardi Gras celebration to capture the doll-sized fun.

A Little Mardi-Gras - Neatorama

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Mining Gear: Recommend Firefox Plugins for All You Miners

a pickaxe is worth a thousand wordsImage by Graela via Flickr

Here is a quick list of the the two pieces of mining gear that can make your work here in the Granola Mine a little easier

ScribeFire - This allows you to take any page's elements and start blogging about it. Basically, you can take text, images etc. and then add your two cents here at the Mine.

Zemanta - This helps mark up your pages with creative commons images, related stories, suggested tags. Fills out light content pretty well, in an SEO friendly kind of way.

DashBlog - This is an alternate to ScribeFire that some folks like. I haven't used it yet. But one of the cool features is it can take a screenshot of the page you are on and create a posting around the screenshot.

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Granola ALERT: 3/12/9

Fellow Mining Drone 'Young Ted Danson' wants to know: "Jeff, were you in Texas over the weekend?" A: Signs point to yes.

“The sad thing about it all is these dogs have had raw, red and bloody rear ends,” the volunteer said. “I just don’t want to think what they are doing to them.”

Neither do I.

Thank you WiiHotties

Fashion: That's a good look for you. Clown-tranny is in right now.

A model wears a creation by British designer Alexander McQueen A model wears a creation by British designer Alexander McQueen

Woman in the iron mask and Cruella de catwalk star in Alexander McQueen's surrealist Paris show | Mail Online
So many of McQueen's staple looks - thigh boots, corset dresses, bondage straps, goat hair coats - have seeped into the collections of others, albeit in a watered-down way, that it was wonderful to see their originator reclaim them as his own again.

A tall pyre of crushed car parts, wrecked chairs and tin cans served as a centrepoint to the show, round which the models walked in stacked heels that were the highest seen in Paris so far. That's saying something.

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Tuck those tits back in, sweetie!

It's short, it's sweet, it's Olivia Munn:
Fat guy at gym with no shirt on and juicy, heavy man boobs hanging out…

Gym employee, “Sir, you’re gonna have to put a shirt on. We have people in the gym”

Classic. Poor fat guy.

Breakfast Granola for 3/12/9

Now THAT is something I can get into in the morning.

Found via Hollywood Tuna on Coed Magazine. Ass provided by Denise Milani.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Every State with a Shitty 10 year GDP, Please just Leave the Union

Per capita GDP by stateImage via Wikipedia

Some states push back against stem cell research
A showdown is shaping up in some of the nation's most conservative states over embryonic stem cell research, as opponents draw language and tactics from the battle over abortion to counter President Barack Obama's plan to ease research restrictions.

Can't we just please let them leave the union and form their own "Jesus-o-stan" in the fucking center of this country. These people are just dragging our shit down...

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Science Corner - Aphid Farming

Image of an ant who received honeydew from aphidImage via Wikipedia

If you don't already know about this, it should freak your shit out. Ants, the little machines that they are farm aphids! They will seed plants that make good aphid food with the little buggers. Tend the flock from threats. All for...honeydew.

What's honeydew you ask? Aphid shit. That's right, it's a fancy word for aphid shit. It must be really tasty to ants, since they will stop pretending to be mindless machines just to get some ass-juice.

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Granola ALERT: 3/11/9

Why does steam come out of my vagina????!?

Bitch, your pussy is HAUNTED!

Found on

Post-lunch Granola for 3/11/9

My (free) Flight of the Conchords subscription on iTunes downloaded this automatically during lunch. Had to find it for Granola Heavy Industries.

You're Doing It Wrong Granola for 3/11/9


2) At least one person didn't think this the whole way through. Anyone seen Se7en? Saw + vagina = "Lust" scene.

3) Olivia Munn: "She needs to put her pussy in the time-out chair." O Cthulhu, I love that woman...

Found on; full story on NBC Washington.

Lunchtime Granola for 3/11/9

Correction: Don't Ever Scare Richmond Characters.

Canned Air - New Office Fun for Dr. J

canned airImage by dickuhne via Flickr

Air Duster: The Drug Choice of a New Generation
She was a pre-med student on her way to becoming a surgeon, but the trauma of being molested as a child and her parents’ brutal divorce haunted Allison. She started to inhale computer dust remover, which is potentially fatal with each breath. Her erratic behavior and absence from classes got Allison dropped from the pre-med program. Allison is currently inhaling up to ten cans of dust remover a day. Can interventionist Jeff help Allison and her family?

Jeff can beat that. How about Ambien, Rockstar, various crazy meds and Dust Remover

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Get It Sideways

One day, Ken, if you practice and practice, you won't drive all squirrelly...