Friday, May 14, 2010


FMD Crankmonkey wants to assure you that my hacking your eyes is for the better; I agree. But is the ASU Undie Run better than the University of Texas' Undie Run?

You be the judge, now with video:

Found on Total Pro Sports.

New latest obsession

Today's tract from (the Black Books version of) The Little Book Of Calm: Travel is more than just destinations, just like competition is more than just winning. There is much to be said for journeys and how games are played. For instance, you could finish second to Sophie Turner in the marathon of your choice, yet still be a very sated athlete. You are the calm conductor of a very juicy caboose.

Sophie Turner was uncovered through a deliberate hunt of the intergoogles on Crazy Dribble.

Breakfast Granola for 5/14/10

First look at some Iron Sky footage from io9?

Still waiting to see Renate Richter...

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Ready, aim...

Minds in the gutter, kids: You see where the pearl necklace goes, right?

Purportedly from the University of Texas Undie Run, on Busted Coverage.


This special moment in collisions was found on Funtasticus.

Breakfast Granola for 5/13/10

The most awesome part of this video is that Jimmy Kimmel got Mark Pellegrino and Titus Welliver to appear in character as Jacob and Blackie No-name...

Found on io9.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Snow is evil

Found with some NSFW old Italian comic book covers on io9.

Live Studio Mix: Reggie Watts

Today's word: callipygian

FMD Crankmonkey had never heard of it before; I've known it since ever, and that it means "tremendo culo." However, let's get Merriam Webster on the case:

cal·li·pyg·ian \ˌka-lə-ˈpi-j(ē-)ən\ adj [Gr kallipygos, from kalli- + pygē buttocks] having shapely buttocks

Like I said. And now, for your dictionary picture, Sophie Turner, once again.

Note how the videographer tries to create some drama with Kim Kardashian, but Sophie just wants them and both of their callipygian asses to be friends. Now that's all right!

Breakfast Granola for 5/12/10

Last night's episode of LOST gave me a headache.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Coming soon: 3D Playboy centerfold

If you were expecting Hope Dworaczyk to jump off the pages of The Mine -- awesome as that might be -- you'll be sorely disappointed. However, give it until the June 2010 issue of Playboy and your wish will be granted:
"What would people most like to see in 3-D?" asked Playboy founder Hugh Hefner. "Probably a naked lady."


[Playboy Editorial Director Jimmy] Jellinek said he hopes the issue featuring centerfold Hope Dworaczyk in 3-D also reminds people that for all the infatuation with the Internet, there is nothing quite like having a magazine in your hands.
A novelty, to be sure, but then I'd rather have all 34C of Hope in my hands.

Found on the googlenewstubes.


Sounds fair to me: cur·vi·lin·ear \ˌkər-və-ˈli-nē-ər\ adj [L curvus + linea line] consisting of or bounded by curved lines : represented by a curved line

New ore Sophie Turner and her astronomical ass were located by FMD Crankmonkey at this NSFW location.

R.I.P. Frank Frazetta

Now gone to be with his wife, Ellie, master artist Frank Frazetta passed yesterday, age 82.

The storyboard artist for the scifi and fantasy fantasies of my youth, his late, real life seemed -- unfortunately -- the stuff of nightmares:
The Pocono Record newspaper reported that by December of [the year his wife died, 2009], Frazetta was "suffering from dementia".

On December 9, 2009, Frazetta's son, Alfonso Frank Frazetta, 52, known as Frank Jr., was arrested for attempting to steal approximately 90 paintings from the Frazetta museum. He was accompanied by Frank Bush, 49, and Kevin Clement, 54. His wife, Lori Frazetta, told state police that Frank Jr. and Ellie had run the family business until Ellie's death, when infighting over the paintings began. The son maintains he was trying to prevent the paintings from being sold, per the wishes of his father, whom he says had given him power of attorney over his estate. After siblings Billy Frazetta, Holly Frazetta Taylor, and Heidi Grabin filed a lawsuit against Frank Jr. in March 2010, claiming misappropriation of their father's work, which they said the artist had transferred to a company controlled by those three, the family issued a statement on April 23, 2010, that said, "all of the litigation surrounding his family and his art has been resolved. All of Frank's children will now be working together as a team to promote his ... collection of images...." The Monroe County district attorney later that day said he would drop theft and burglary charges against Frazetta Jr. at the request of family members.
I'm not sure who to treat as the villain in this, though I want to assume it was Lil Frank. Claiming power of attorney AND grabbing 90 paintings? Seems suspiciously like a dick-move.

Here's to hoping Big Frank's wishes -- that his museum paintings be preserved in situ, distributed to family and/or friends, selectively liquidated, or otherwise -- will be fully honored.

Found on io9 and Wikipedia.

Breakfast Granola for 5/11/10

Knock knock, little buddy:
U.S. Army Special Forces soldiers will deploy with the XM-25 weapon this summer, so that they can shower enemies hidden inside buildings with lethal smart rounds. Veterans of the Afghanistan conflict who tried the weapon predicted it would be a "game changing" gun capable of taking out insurgents hidden behind cover, reports.

The XM-25 resembles a highly sophisticated grenade launcher that fires laser-guided smart rounds. The laser gauges a distance to target and allows the warfighter to set where the round will detonate, adding or subtracting increments of 3 meters from the laser-spotted point. Then the scope tells a microchip inside the round how far it should travel before exploding.

Each Heckler & Koch-made 25mm round actually holds two warheads that pack more punch than the current 40mm grenade launchers. Warfighters would basically have immediate, long-distance explosive firepower in rifle form, as opposed to having to wait on mortar strikes, artillery or airstrikes.
Found on Popsci.

Monday, May 10, 2010

I'm Betty White, bitch!

FMD Crankmonkey serves up this ore:

A light at the end of the tunnel

Seriously, head towards the light.

Jordan Carver was found on Hollywood Tuna.

Lovecraftian Protip of the Day

From those wacky kids at Blame Society Films...

Breakfast Granola for 5/10/10

Today's eye test: If you immediately see a folded manta in this image, I have bad news for you...

Found on Funtasticus.