Friday, June 24, 2011

Breakfast Granola for 6/24/11

And just like that, with 24 days remaining, I've been discharged ahead of schedule. While this isn't my FINAL final day, it IS the last official one in Granola Mine custody. Just like the square in Monopoly, anything else you may see is "Just Visiting."

I'd like to thank my Fellow Mining Drones for sharing this time with me. Without you, the insanity would have been of an unbearable brand; yours was much enjoyed. (To the malefactor FMDs, I wish you no harm, but neither do I wish you success or not-failing. Leave, and do try to get well.)

I'd like to thank any of the readers who may have stumbled upon this exercise in creative mental shopkeeping. It's been just for us kids in The Mine, but if you've followed along, I hope you've enjoyed the strange ride. The inside of the machine is oily, but we're all getting out, where you are, to the shiny exterior.

I'll leave the lights on and the key at my desk. I'll be outside.

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