Friday, March 25, 2011

Liar liar

Truly great actors and actresses have the ability to become someone else and project emotions so completely that they can convince you that they are not who they actually are. This means there is at least one profession where lying is the profession.

But then there are professions where lying seems to be integral:

  • Lawyer: "My client is not guilty."
  • Politician: "I promise, if I am elected, that I will..."
  • Salesperson: "This car is a bargain and an excellent value."

And then that are professions where we go from lying to alteration of reality:

  • Musician: "What I do is art and will live forever."
  • Legislator: "Lowering the rate of increase in funding is a cut."
  • Programmer: "That's a feature, not a bug."

So seriously, don't piss on me and tell me it's raining. Words mean things, and don't pretend they don't.

Otherwise, fuck you, too.

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