Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Breakfast Granola for 6/1/10

From Media Take Out:
According to local reports, a 32 year old woman from the Russian city of Tambov was arrested for the poisoning and sexual assault of ten different men. The woman, who is photo’d above and is only identified by the name Valeria K, is alleged to have lured the men back to her apartment.

Once they were in her apartment, Valerie slipped a concoction into their drinks that knocked them out for hours. Once unconscious, Valeria played with the men’s genitals and after they became aroused, wrapped a rope around it - to maintain their erections. Then, she went to work – often going on for HOURS . . . and causing MEDICAL DAMAGE to the men.

All ten men have reported the same story, they followed Valeria back to her apartment for a few drinks, but woke the next morning in hospital with a loss of memory and trauma to the penis.

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