Thursday, June 10, 2010

Breakfast Granola for 6/10/10

It's apparently a slow day in the outside world, so here's a goodie from the ore archives: Dora Noemí Kerchen, better known as Dorismar (or Doris Mar). I'd seen her plenty, but didn't really know who she was...until the wikitubes:
On January 5, 2006, Dorismar and her husband/manager Alejandro (Alex) Schiff were deported from the United States to Argentina as illegal aliens after living six years in Miami. Dorismar contested the deportation, claiming that her physical attributes place her in the category of "alien of extraordinary ability", which would allow her to seek an O-1 visa, permitting her residency in the U.S. based on her talents. She was unsuccessful in her petition.
Random borderhoppers are overlooked or ignored, but Dorismar and her physical attributes are singled out in particular for deportation? Immigration really is fucked. Either kick the remaining rabble out NOW or let her back in!

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