Thursday, April 22, 2010

Breakfast Granola for 4/22/10

"Soldiers vs. Cthulhu?" Tell me more:
[30 Days of Night artist Ben Templesmith says] "So far, all I can say is sort of Band of Brothers...but with SQUID. (Well, Cthulhu-ish ideas and my love of all things tentacular.) Yes, it's a war comic. Want to get all emotional and down and dirty with it. Not exactly comedy in the vein of Wormwood.... It's post-apocalyptic. I deals with a small group of soldiers, as the human race is reduced to relatively low tech solutions to claw back their planet, the new religion that drives them on to this goal in the face of hopelessness...and all the stuff that comes from such things. Many horrific and hopefully, some touching "tales from the front" in many ways. And of course, they'll end up being players in a major event that may define the now generations long conflict."
Found on io9.

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