Friday, January 15, 2010

Breakfast Granola for 1/15/10

Reason #4080 for why GM went bankrupt: Bob Lutz doesn't "get it"...
"[T]here's a possibility of a premium Chevrolet sedan that would be sold in limited numbers. Think of it as a kind of four-door Corvette"
No, when I think of four-door Corvette, I think of EPIC FAIL because there's no such thing. However, when I think of Chevy sedan I think of some nameplates that aren't in use: Nova, Nomad, Bel Air, and Caprice. Unfortunately, I also think of the whackness that is the 2000-onwards Impala.

Go with Bel Air, just so you can get Will Smith to rap on the commercials.

Found on Jalopnik.

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