Friday, December 4, 2009

Nothin' says lovin' like...

...Bakesale Betty's.

Depicted: the brisket sandwich. It's thick fingers of brisket with greens, onions, kettle chips, and horseradish. Hearty, tasty stuff.

Q: Better than the chicken? A: personally, no, but being a sucker for chicken sammiches, I'm probably the last person to ask.

Also on the menu, pumpkin pie. By Cthulhu, it's criminal how delicious it is! Mildly spiced -- I hate when pumpkin pie is too strongly spiced -- and great even down to the crust. It's flaky and buttery, and the edge -- which I'll often leave behind if too hard or burnt -- is like a cookie. Best of all is the whipped cream; it's more like ice cream, it's so thick and rich.

Just on revelation of my plans, I was told by a woman, "Yummmm!!! I think I just came."

Welcome to my world, babe.

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